AMS Choirs Calendar of Events and Choir Handbook

Calendar At-a-Glance click to see a 1-page summary of Required Performances

Choir Handbook: 2024-2025 click to see the expectations for AMS Choirs. An updated copy will be available shortly before the new school year begins.

  • All performances will be at Ceglarek Fine Arts Center unless noted otherwise.
  • If you use Google, click on the +Google Calendar on the lower right to add Falcon Choirs to your calendars!

Every choir member is expected to attend every Required Performance that takes place outside of class time. Please remember that Choir is an elective until you are accepted as an enrolled member…then it becomes your obligation to attend functions of the choir program. If you have a conflict for any reason, a written excuse (note or email) must be given to MrW at least 2 weeks prior to any performance a student will miss (does not include illness or family emergency, however a written excuse will need to be turned in within 3 school days of the missed absence).

Excused absences include sickness that involves fever or vomiting, or a family emergency. Do NOT send students who are ill to a performance! Students who are absent from school on the day of a performance may not participate in an evening performance and will not be penalized for their absence.

Performances are an important aspect of our curriculum at APS. All choir students are expected and required to be at all concerts and auditorium rehearsals. All choir students represent their family, the choir program, and Allendale Public Schools, as well as the Allendale community whenever and wherever they are performing. It is expected that all students show regard for one another and our community through respectful, reasonable, and responsible behavior at all times. Your effort and attitude greatly influence the quality of our program! Take care of your singing voice, be on time, and have all your materials ready.